The effect of plasticity on damage evolution using a relaxation-based material model

authored by
S. Schwarz, K. Hackl, Philipp Junker

As damage occurs in the context of high stresses that are also related to the presence of plastic strains, it is natural to investigate the effect of plasticity on damage evolution and to thus achieve a more realistic model. In this work, the existing and new damage model presented in [Junker P, Schwarz S, Makowski J, Hackl K. Continuum Mech. Therm. 2017, 29 (1), 291–310] is enhanced with plasticity and isotropic hardening. The damage model is based on a relaxation-based approach and does not require additional complex regularization techniques besides considering viscous effects. The benefit of the model are mesh-independent results for the rate-dependent case, even without considering, e.g. gradient terms for mathematical regularization. The enhancement with plasticity and isotropic hardening was investigated for a representative volume element that considerd a damaging matrix material and non-damaging hard precipitates. Two different loading types, pure tension and pure shear, yielded the homogenized stress/strain response for the material at various loading rates. Hereto, several finite discretizations in terms of finite-element meshes were used. The results underline the mesh-independence for physically reasonable loading rates and viscosities.

External Organisation(s)
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Materials
Publication date
Publication status
Peer reviewed
ASJC Scopus subject areas
Materials Science (miscellaneous), Mechanics of Materials
Electronic version(s) (Access: Open)

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