Institute for Continuum Mechanics
Sofja Kovalevskaja Award for Frau Dr. Xiaoying Zhuang

Sofja Kovalevskaja Award for Frau Dr. Xiaoying Zhuang

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation funds work of an International Researchgroup at IKM

The Institute for Continnuum Mechanics will be host for a researchgroup under the lead of Dr. Xiaoying Zhuang for five years starting in December 2015. This is made possible by the Sofja Kovalevskaja-Preis endowed by the german Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

With this grant the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation brings promising young scientists to Germany and enables them to build their own researchgroup at existing institutions. Besides the research and the scientific exchange one of the goals is for the international scientists to establish personal relations to germany by the direct contact to the people in the country.


The price will be awarded during a ceremony on 17th November in Berlin. The Institute is looking forward to the new colleagues and a good collaboration.